i couldn't possibly let july go by without posting at least one entry. especially since certain people have been on my back about blogging. trust me when i say a lot has been going on this month...it's all good stuff though.
like for instance, my homies and i took a mental health day a couple of weeks ago and headed down to the beach. it was the most awesome day of the summer so far (yes, awesomer than madness which i'll post abt another day) and i'm so glad i decided to go. we got down there a little before noon and stayed until early evening. with the beach being less than an hour away from home we were back in no time.
it's funny because as a child i HATED the beach. i had bad memories of sandy crotch and seagulls. i didn't like it at all until we had a family reunion picnic on american beach in florida. i got the best tan ever and collected some really nice seashells. ever since then i've tried to recreate that beach experience and i hadn't been successful until now. we all had so much fun we're thinking of renting a beach house for a week next summer. i wonder what all that entails. but yeah, hopefully we'll get to go back again before the summer is over.
So what's remedy for sandy crotch?
tia i'm glad you had fun @ the beach! i'm also glad you posted a new entry; that dead hamster thing was beginning to depress the crap out of me. i've been shoe shopping. sort of. come look @ my blog . . .
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