Tuesday, August 14, 2007

puppies and drag queens

that's what i dreamed about last night. the puppy was a dark grey poodle with tons of energy. he kept jumping over a couch from one room to another until finally he came over to me and jumped into my lap. so i'm holding him up by his front legs cuz we are sort of dancing/talking/playing and i start to think "umm...how do you know when they have to go to the bathroom?" then he starts peeing so i hold him over the coffee table so all the urine goes there. THEN i ask my sister if she ever took the dog out for a walk. obviously, she hadn't. this part is pretty easy -- i really want a puppy. i live in a dog neighborhood; almost everyone on my street has one. but i have no earthly desire to walk around with a bag of poop (i may have mentioned this before). nor do i want the added expense of caring for a dog. it's like having a kid and i'm not really trying to be a single mom.

the drag queen part is not as simple. i was watching a chubby black queen (she looked sort of dorian corey-ish but browner and slightly more attractive) apply make-up. this could be related to my anxiety about doing my cousin's makeup for her wedding on saturday OR to my excitement about the trannie at my new hair salon. my cousin moved to a new salon that has a resident trannie. i saw her peeping my steelo when i was getting my hair curled so i hope we become friends.

1 comment:

tia said...

one day i will. but not today.