Wednesday, June 27, 2007

last night i dreamed...

i was asking bebe drake for advice on shaving my hirsute thighs (only in my reality my calves are much hairier than my thighs) because i wanted to wear some cuffed short-shorts and i knew she rocked them back in the 70s. this is strange because i'm not really big on shorts (although i recently purchased a denim pair that i quite like) mainly because they tend to creep up my thighs into my crotch and i don't wanna be that girl. my dream rationale was that the shorts would be too short to inch up. foolish dreamer! as if my ass wouldn't decide she'd want in on the action and i'd be walking around all day pickin' out the jams*. i type all of this to say, i guess i have a latent desire to wear some nicely tailored cuffed shorts but at this stage in my life it's just not possible.

*i much prefer "the jams" to "wedgie". why don't ppl say "the jams" anymore? "wedgie" is so babysitter's club while "the jams" is crooklyn. i'm using it.


Anonymous said...

i enthusiastically support your "the jams" use!

sidenote: have you ever noticed how bad burps smell after youve had broccoli? {fans hand in front of face}

tia said...

burps, no...something else, yes. does blog reader = message leaver? if so, yay!

rashad said...

to me a wedgie is when someone grabs the top of your undies and pulls them up causing all kind of genital mutilation. the jams? sounds way too jovial to describe such an uncomfortable moment. i've heard it called a bite before. i vote for that.

and you have hair calves tia? that's spectactular and perverse at the same time.

tia said...

shaving irritates my skin so i only do it when absolutely necessary. i much prefer waxing but it isn't always in the budget.

Anonymous said...

we're one in the same. this new format has thrown off my mojo.
blogger says "post a comment" and blog city said "leave a message"

so truhtfully, my new name should of been "comment poster".

i'm just a mess.

tia said...

a welcomed mess. thanks for joining me over here!