Monday, April 14, 2008

work in progress

so my room is halfway painted

*running man*

my room is halfway pain-TED, my room is halfway pain-TED

i thought it'd be finished in a day but it didn't quite work out that way. it's gonna take another two days and more $ than i anticipated. BUT it'll be worth it once it's done. i ended up picking a ben moore matte finish in amsterdam with behr silver sky semigloss for the trim after seeing this post on AT.

i'm pretty sure i'm gonna end up with a full gallon of paint left over. i went ahead and bought this paint against my wallet's wishes so i'm hoping i can recoup my $ by selling it or bartering with my painter.

anyhoo, i'm displaced from the comfort of my bed for the next couple of days but it's a small price to pay for the completion of a project that has been two years in the making. i'll be sleeping on the couch in the lr until the primer fumes dissipate.

next up will be another great purge followed by a well-executed trip to ikea. i'll probably post my progress.

1 comment:

rashad said...

very cool tia.