Monday, April 07, 2008

time 4 sum aksion

(red, u were kinda reaching with the phonetics there bud)

i've been getting on my own nerves lately talking about what i wanna do and what i'm gonna do. the time has come for me to put my money where my mouth is. i've never been one to dive head first all willy nilly into a venture - i'm a planner by nature. but you can only plan so much. there comes a time when you have to bite the bullet and go for it.

first up is getting my bedroom painted. if you've seen my bedroom you know that this is no small feat. my cousin is coming on sunday to work it out for me. that means i have a week to buy a ladder, figure out how much paint i need, pick out a trim color, buy paint and supplies, and decide how much i'm gonna pay my cousin. now, i have been agonizing over paint colors since 2006; i even submitted a post about it on apartment therapy. i've watched countless design shows looking for rooms similar to mine to see how they handled painting slanted ceilings. well, now i'm just going for it. it's only paint (she says nervously).

next up is the backyard. i got an estimate for the sump pump issues and while it's more than i want to pay it's not super duper expensive. we're also gonna get the yard cleaned up and a new fence by the driveway. in this same vein, i am currently looking for a lawnmower. my old lawn guy stopped by this wknd but i had to tell him we won't be using his services this year. it's just too expensive, especially when we can do it ourselves. really after paying him for three months i could've bought a nice mower. so yeah, i'm trying to find a nice self-propelled 20-21 incher. i still have no idea what kind of torque i need but hopefully my internets researching will lead me in the right direction.

third up is the bathroom. in a perfect world we'd have a gut reno that would only take a day or two to finish. in the real world i'm gonna try to get the most important things done (new subfloor, floor tile, new toilet & sink, medicine cabinet, lighting, fan installation, and paint) and save the other stuff (new tub & tile and window) for next year. my mom knows a handyman who's done work for her sisters and my grandma gave me electrician info. ideally i'd like to have this done by june.

so this is what will be occupying my time for the next couple of months. i'll also be attempting to have a more enjoyable social life. and since my sister keeps dissing me i'll have to learn to enjoy rolling solo too (luv u boo!).

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