yeah so some things that i thought might've happened or wanted to happen ain't really gonna happen. i'm cool with it. i just really hate when things don't come to fruition - part of my whole perfectionist deal. O WELLZ! lots of other things coming down the pipeline so my lamenting will be brief.
i got my kanye tickets yesterday and from the looks of the seating chart the seats are pretty suhweet. i'll be wearing my "i <3 pharrell" glow in the dark tee that i haven't made yet. (omg i can't believe i really used to make tees and wear them in public. i should unearth my donwill tee for the next tanya morgan show.)
my lil homie called me at work today and we had a full conversation (hi. how are you? good. miss you. mwahh!) it's so amazing to me bc she's not even two yet. i guess this is old hat to ppl with kids but it's very fascinating to me. i have video of her making her mean face (her dad taught her that) and also of her applying chapstick. i'm gonna be the WORST when i have my own - i just know it.
that first paragraph was the epitome of vague. and please write an informal review of the kanye show. i'm hella curious
purposefully so, rashad. the show isn't until later next month but i'll try best to do a write up. no promises though.
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