i think i saw corduroy suit guy at the mall earlier this week. i can't remember if i ever shared the full story so why not do it now, eh?
a couple of years ago a friend (who is old enough to be my mom) set me up with a friend of hers from church. i wasn't dating anyone seriously at the time so i thought why not? y'know? she runs the stats on the guy - entrepreneur, christian, and about six years older than me. i didn't think this was a big deal because i have cousins and friends that age and they're cool. boy was i wrong.
sign #1 - he invited me to the ebony fashion fair show at his church. now, i've always wanted to go to one of these so it wasn't so bad. but he got there late and i ended up sitting with our mutual friend for the entire show. then she went to the diner with us afterwards. yes, ppl...i was on a chaperoned date with a 37 yr old man. i just watched the two of them talk.
sign #2 - he thought anchorman was weird. during one of our phone conversations he asked what my favorite movie was and at the time it was anchorman. well it just so happened that the movie aired on network television a short time after that conversation and he watched it (points for that). he thought it was weird and i was weird for liking it (i'll take those points back, thank you).
sign #3 - the corduroy suit. after a pitiful movie date i figured third time would the charm. he invited me to a boat show. i'd never been to one so i agreed to go. besides, it's not like i had anything better to do. the boat show consisted of climbing in and out of different boats in a big convention center. there were ladders and sometimes no guard rails involved. after slipping twice and only getting a "watch your step!" instead of a helping hand i was pretty much through with the boat show. oh, i forgot to mention that dude was wearing a corduroy suit. wide wales at that.
so after the boat show we go to lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. as we're sitting there i realize i'm not at all attracted to or interested in this man and i feel bad because the restaurant is not cheap. i'm thinking i can't go out with him anymore because he's spending money on me and i don't even like him.
and that's when it happened.
an older gentleman sitting at the table next to us got up to retrieve his cane from the corner of the room. he was wearing the EXACT SAME CORDUROY SUIT as homeboy. and the kicker was, dude stopped the old guy to say "that's a nice suit you got on there!"
just let that marinate for a while.
uh huh.
my best friend's dad attends the same church as dude and he thought the guy was much older. george told me to never go out with him ever again. my mom and my sister *still* find the whole situation hilarious (it is). i haven't talked to the set-up friend since this all went down (what was she thinking??) this is the type of thing that happens to me whenever i say "why not?" i'm not gonna lie - it was nice to get out the house but ehhhhhhh.
and that's the corduroy suit guy story.
the end.
Walk slow, homie! Let's not start any fires!
tia. TIA. wtf? girl, that sounds worse than anything i could have made up. poor baby.
i'm glad you can laugh at it in hindsight. cuz i'm most certainly cracking up at this moment.
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