Tuesday, March 18, 2008

and then it hit me...

...all at once.

i am so tired right now.

like i wanna put my head down on my desk and take a nap.

everyone enjoyed the concert. i'm not sure yet how much we made because money is still coming in. there are several things i would do differently next year but for the most part things ran smoothly. my only regret is that i didn't get to see the girls perform.

i've been craving and indulging in sugar for the past three days and i feel like crap as a result. and i've been trying to write up this report for two days and can't even concentrate.

so this holiday wknd i'm hoping to reboot and get right. i'm confident i can do it.


rashad said...

I told you to take a day off...

tia said...

yeah you did. you were right, ok?

sparkle said...

every time i indulge in sugar i feel rather crackish for a good 3-5 days afterwards. the problem? avoiding it during the big detox. white sugar in particular. it's ubiquitous.