i spent my sunday visiting family and playing with my little cousin. boy was she hours of fun! we played chase, hide n seek, read books, and jammed on the best toy ever - the kitty keyboard! it's intended for ages 2+ but michaela won't be two until the summer and she works it fine. the keyboard has several preset drum patterns including a rock one that sounds like prince and a techno one that sounds like nine inch nails. you can adjust the tempo and record too.
my sister recorded michaela singing/drooling on the mic. she got so into it at one point she had her eyes closed and was just singing away. i thought i would die laughing. i showed her how to play "mary had a little lamb" and she almost had it (the first two notes anyway). MUSICAL PRODIGY! lol. the best part was she was asking for me after i left (she calls me gee-ya...hard g...awwwwwww).
i want one of each now.
(a toddler and a keyboard)
I LOVE THAT TOY! Especially the mode where you hit the keys and it's kitty-meow notes!
we're getting one for your birthday. and orange u supposed to be at work?
Does someone have the motherhood bug?
not quite, rashad. maybe the godmotherhood bug.
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